Here’s A Scalp Care Routine To Prevent Hair Loss, Breakage And Thinning

Following a good scalp care routine is important for healthy hair.

scalp care routine for hair fall

Studies have shown maintaining a healthy balanced scalp is the most effective way to promote hair growth and reduce — even prevent — issues such as hair fall, breakage and thinning.

Generally, these issues occur when the scalp is experiencing one or more of the following issues and conditions:

  • dryness
  • product residue build up
  • heat damage
  • pollution
  • sun damage
  • oxidative stress
  • sebum imbalance
  • harsh chemicals
  • seborrheic dermatitis
  • psoriasis.

The skin on the scalp is more delicate than the skin on the face, so that means it is easily prone to damage. That’s why having a scalp care routine is important.

Simple scalp care routine to keep scalp healthy and balanced

1. Shampoo (cleanse) two to three times a week

Use a good quality shampoo (don’t be afraid to invest in haircare) that is suitable for your scalp and hair type. Shampoo twice to ensure the scalp is extremely clean.

Look for products that are silicone and sulfate-free.

If you have an oily scalp (you’ll know because your hair becomes greasy very quickly), then use a shampoo with clay and/or charcoal as the key ingredient because it helps with oil control.

If you have a sensitive scalp (itchy, dry, flaky etc), then use a gentle shampoo specifically designed to be soothing and gentle on the scalp.

If you have chemical or color-treated hair, then use a shampoo that is designed to deeply nourish and prevent dryness.

Follow-up with a suitable conditioner for extra hydration.

2. Protect against heat and sun damage after each cleanse

Wear a hat or sit under an umbrella to protect the scalp and hair against sun damage, if you’re going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time.

After every cleanse, use a heat protecting spray, oil or serum (in damp or dry hair — as you prefer) to protect hair and scalp from heat styling and damage.

3. Exfoliate once every two weeks

Exfoliate (think of it like a scrub for the scalp) with a scalp exfoliator to give the scalp a deep cleanse to remove dead skin cells, dirt, excess sebum and product build up. This allows the natural oils (sebum) in the hair and skin to keep the scalp balanced and hair nourished, which in turns allows for better hair growth.

There are two types of hair exfoliators: physical (with little granules) and chemicals (serums with active ingredients). Both are fine to use on the scalp.

Do this step before a shampoo cleanse. Take a nickel-sized amount on the fingertips and gently apply to the scalp, massaging in circular motions. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse with water.

If you have a sensitive/dry scalp or any scalp conditions, then seek a doctor’s advice before using an exfoliator.


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4. Mask once a week

Depending on your hair type and concern, use a mask or treatment once a week to nourish the hair and scalp. Do this before shampoo + conditioner.

If your hair is frizzy and dry, then use a moisturizing mask.

If your hair is breaking, looking dry at the ends, or not growing beyond a certain length, then it’s lacking protein and needs a protein mask.

Give yourself a relaxing head massage as you apply the mask, leave it on as directed on the product and then rinse with water.

Your scalp care routine doesn’t need to be complicated at all. Just follow these tips and you’re on your way to growing lovely locks

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